2-Hour Zoom NC General Contractor Mandatory C.E. Session - Thursday 11/14/24
This is a live Synchronous Distance Learning session via Zoom Webinar. No required questions or quizzes to pass. Total and complete attendance required for full credit.
Note: You DO NOT need to purchase this if you have purchased a full 8-Hour Zoom Bundle for 2024.
Note: You DO NOT need to purchase this if you have purchased a full 8-Hour Zoom Bundle for 2024.
Why the one day 2-hour Mandatory Zoom session?
2-Hour 2024 Mandatory NCLBGC Course
Direct Access to Your Certificate of Completion
Instantly Download Course Documents & PDFs
Flexibility to take either ACT's Elective eLearning or Elective Zoom courses
Instant Access to Zoom Class Link via Registration
Complete the 2-Hour Mandatory Without Quizzes/Exam
Do you dread having to take test or being graded?
If so, then this live synchronous distance learning class session is probably the best option for you. Ensure that you fulfill your required annual NCLBGC Mandatory 2-hours of Contining Education for your NC-based General Contractors license.
If so, then this live synchronous distance learning class session is probably the best option for you. Ensure that you fulfill your required annual NCLBGC Mandatory 2-hours of Contining Education for your NC-based General Contractors license.
Live Interation
We are in construction for a reason. We like to interact, conceptualize and get busy with our hands. Being that the case, typically we appreciate a hands-on touch versus dealing with an inanimate or artificial object. If this happens to be you then this is probably the best class for you to complete.
You will be able to interact with lead instructor Bob directly in real-time, and immediately get your most pressing questions answered.
You will be able to interact with lead instructor Bob directly in real-time, and immediately get your most pressing questions answered.
What classes are included?
2024 NCLBGC Mandatory
As of 2020, the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractor’s (NCLBGC) requires all licensed contractors to fulfill either a live synchronous webinar, asynchronous e-Learning, or in-person 8 hours of continuing education, including this mandatory 2-hour course. Licensees will be debriefed on important laws, statutes, rules, and regulations mandated by the NCLBGC.
Meet the instructor
Bob Therman
Lead instructor Robert “Bob” Therman has been building since 1975. He has completed over 500 single-family residences, including his own 154-lot development from 2000-2009. Also well versed in commercial building techniques, he has completed a wide array of projects varying from multifamily apartments to a computer mainframe server center to military barracks to restaurants to gas stations. His experience has spanned multiple geographies across the country–from MI, OH, IL, GA, CO, WY, and this beloved state of NC. Regardless of your existing construction focus or desired area of expertise, there will certainly be something of value from Bob.